Anthony De Angelis

one of the writers of the new musical An Axemas Love Story

Anthony De Angelis
Anthony De Angelis

Describe the musical, how you identify with the piece, and your favorite moment.
There's just not enough holiday material out there for the adults! ​ Also, writing an entirely original comedy musical is it's own reward! ​ I'd say my favorite moment, but that'd be a spoiler!

Where do you go to find inspiration?
I think if you look hard enough, everything is interesting!

In addition to this piece, what else are you working on?
Currently starting to plan our next show!

At what age did you start your craft? What inspired you to do so? How do you continue to exercise and grow it?
After a detour as a Broadway pianist and MD that began in my early twenties, I've finally, and concertedly gotten back into writing! ​ I grow it out of some deep necessity to create something where something was not. ​

Have you always been a fan of theater? ​ What was the first show you saw or your favorite show?
I was distinctly not a fan of musical theater... I won't say which, but the first show I saw made me say to myself, "well, I never, ever want to do this." ​ I was so snooty and stuck up. ​ It took me years to realize that musical theater is, in my opinion, the best art form we've got going stateside, but it needs rescuing from (by and large) corporatization. ​ ​

Who is the audience for An Axemas Love Story?
The 18+ crowd. ​ I want them to laugh! ​ Holiday cheer is an added bonus.

What is most challenging about creating An Axemas Love Story? ​
Creating a show from whole cloth is a distinct and extremely rewarding challenge. ​ Once you've got the idea, the drama actually pushes you. ​ It solicits you in a way, according to your taste.

Who are your collaborators? What do you like about working with them?
Patrick Spencer and Charlie O'Leary! ​ Our sensibilities resonate, but we also temper each other. ​ I think we fall in three different places along one, singular spectrum. ​ Working in threes is also great because you can have a vote!

What are you most proud of?
I'm the most puffed up about the fact that every time we've done the show now, it breeds good cheer among the cast and crew. ​ Seeing actors/creatives have a great time, laugh, and invest themselves, is far more a testament to the work than anything else I can think of. ​

Find Anthony and An Axemas Love Story online at and on instagram @anthonydoinstuff.

An Axemas Love Story
An Axemas Love Story